Learn to Recognise the Early Signs of Burnout

& What you can do to Avoid it

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7 Early Signs of Burnout & My Self Care Recipe

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Please note by providing your email address you are agreeing to receiving regular updates form me going forwards which you can opt out of at any point ( I promise not to bombard you as I too hate this!)


Have a Never Ending To Do List?

List as long as your arm of things to do and organise but YOU don't even make it onto the list?

Make Time for Others

But Not YOU?

Keep meaning to make time for YOU then cancelling it out to help others?

No Energy/Motivation?

Have that constant niggling guilt that you should be doing things but can't get started?

Feeling Disconnected/Withdrawing?

Keep cancelling social events/meeting friends?

Get started on your wellness journey and avoid burnout in today's always on world by building strong foundations.

Like any recipe feel free to add your own ingredients to make it work just for you

The Steps That Will Transform Your Life

Use the Self Care Recipe to Build Strong Foundations to Transform How You Show Up For Yourself

Now you have recognised the early signs of heading for burnout it's time to ACT to halt and reverse it in it's tracks!

Use the Avoid Burnout Self Care Recipe as your foundations to support you to make changes that make a difference and create real IMPACT in your day/week/month/life

Get started today on turning your life around so you have the energy to fulfill your full potential grab your copy now... (oh and check your spam folder if it doesn't show in your inbox, your provider doesn't always know you want it :-)

Please note by providing your email address you are agreeing to receiving regular updates form me going forwards which you can opt out of at any point ( I promise not to bombard you as I too hate this!)

It's Time to Create The Lifestyle That Will Transform YOU

Create solid foundations you can easily build onto at a pace that suits you.

Now you have built the self awareness that it's your time to THRIVE not just survive let's get you out of the starting blocks without adding to the overwhelm so you can prioritise YOU and rediscover who you want to show up as ......



3 Ways To Work With Me

90 Minute Intensive

Great for Starting with a Goal


Great for when you have an end goal in mind and want to work it through to have clear actions, measurables and accountability.

Choice to have session split:

1 x 90 minute session

1 x 60 minute session + 1 x 30 minute session

3 x 30 minute sessions


60 Day Coaching Package


Follow my proven Framework to work on your inner limiting beliefs and mindblocks

Ideal for when you are unsure where to start or what you want to change

Work through my 7 Pillars of Self to uncover what is holding you back.

Each month you get

1 x 60 minute session

3 x 30 minute sessions


90 Day 1:1 Coaching Plan


Work 1:1 with me in a purely coaching environment where I hold space for you to deeply explore your thoughts, emotions, strengths, limiting beliefs

Coaching with you at it's centre

Each month you get

4 x 60 minute sessions

Plus access to me in between sessions via messages/emails

limits to be agreed

Create The Lifestyle That Will Transform You From The Inside Out


Create Your Human Roadmap

Book in with me to work 121 on creating your personalised Roadmap to the future you have only dared daydream of so far

Email me at


"After working with Lynne I was able to really prioritise and see a clear vision around my priorities to achieve a greater work/life balance, which is so important to me as I was having a significant change in my personal life that I did not want to impact my work.

With Lynne's support and coaching I was able to gain a much needed reminder of who I need to be and a clearer vision to be able to not burn out and what I want in my career.

Lynne has a great tone and is completely confidential.

Thank you Lynne for all your support.

I highly recommend Lynne if you are looking to make changes in your life for greater overall satisfaction in both personal and work"

B- Client Testimonial

Thank you for everything you have done for our team. I have always enjoyed working with you and walk away with many life learns from you.

Everyone is going to be so lucky to have your positive knowledge and confidence to support them - M

Working with you Lynne will have a lasting impact on me due to the incredible ta lent you have shared with us all. Thank you for being you Lynne, you always handle yourself with such grace, strength and compassion - V

its been an absolute blessing to be able to work with you the last 15 months or so. You have bought back the passion and importance of my own wellbeing in this time and reminded me to be a better person, and for that I am forever greatful. - B

The lady that has kept us all going! Your incredible ability to coach us without us realising! I  have loved all your mindful sessions Lynne - D

Thank you for you passion and genuine care for others, the lasting impact that you have on everyone that meets you is undeniable. I know you’ll go on to do wonderful things and you’ll continue to make peoples lives better - K

B - Team Coaching

© 2023 Lynne Peters Coaching - All Rights Reserved

